Selection of Tensile Fabric Structure Material Specification

TE Membrane has come up with a criteria that would fit all types of fabric according to its tensile specifications and qualities. Not all fabrics are made equal and same for every tensile fabric structure needs. Being an expert on tensile membrane structures, we carefully review every aspect of the materials characteristic, specification and project nature and its application, understand client’s requirements as to how long they need the fabric roof to determine the right fabric choice that include the lifespan, budget concerns for the project, accessibility of the fabric roof for cleaning and maintenance, location, climate and environmental factors to consider.

For the list of most common fabric types used in tensile fabric structures, please check our Membrane Materials Comparison Table here.

TE Membrane Material Criteria Items

Learning what each material criteria and specification definitions and details will provide clients a glimpse of what type of material to use and helps them with their decision making after the design is laid out for their review. Below are some of the major criteria we follow in classifying each fabric material type in tensile fabric structure.

Lifespan : This may be the primary point to consider when looking for a fabric material to be used on a fabric roof system. Every client needs to have the most durable fabric that will last for years and years. PVC Coated Polyester, PVC Coated Glass Fibre, PTFE Teflon Coated Glass/PTFE Open Mesh Fabric, Uncoated PTFE Fibre, Silicon Coated Glass, ETFE Foil and Tenara are among the fabric types that last for about 20 to 35 years and even longer given proper cleaning and maintenance.

Pricing : Next to lifespan, pricing is highly considered during architectural material selection process.

Fireproof Protection and Rating: An important factor when selecting the right type of fabric material according to building approval for fire safety.

UV Resistance : A good UV resistant fabric will repel UV rays away from the structure and factor that might affect the degradation of fabric over time.

Translucency : Natural lighting is one of the assets of a tensile fabric structure. Various fabric have different percentage of translucency.

Colour : Fabric colour provides an edge with the over-all look of the tensioned fabric structure but the discolouration will happen over time.

Environmental : Due to environmental concerns that went in bloom at the start of the millennium, tensile fabric are being consider first choice of roofing materials in green development and green campaign.

As specialists in tensile membrane structures-PVC, PTFE, ETFE Structure and HDPE Sun shade sail , TE Membrane provide invaluable insights and solutions in the area of tensile fabric structure. Their experience ensures your project benefits from cost-effective, aesthetically pleasing, and structurally sound designs in tensile membrane manufacturing and completion of tensile membrane structure for roof and wall. Collaborate with them to expertly manage geometry selection, fabrication, and installation for a successful outcome membrane structure . TE Membrane ranges of services included in design & engineering fabric structure, cleaning & maintenance membrane structure and removal & replacement of tensile membrane, Custom Fabric Structured , Standard Tensioned Umbrellas , fabric fabrication outsourcing and fabric strcture aluminum extrusion.

Check out next article, Important Success Factor in Tensile Fabric Structure is Design!

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