Free Form & Flexibility Design
Architectural & engineered Tensile Membrane Structure provides great freeform design & flexibility. The lightweight compared to traditional building materials such as concrete and steel.
Landmarking the Skyline
TE MEMBRANE (TEM) continues in the creation of breathtaking membrane architecture. Known for its complete package of innovative concept design development, experience engineering capability, supreme attention to details and exceptional project management to complete within Time and Budget.
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Architectural Craftsmanship
TE MEMBRANE (TEM) structures can be customized in terms of size, shape, color, and pattern to meet the specific requirements of each project. This flexibility allows architects and designers to tailor the structure to suit the aesthetic and functional needs of the space.
Versatility & Sustainability
TE MEMBRANE (TEM)structures are highly versatile and can be used to create a wide range of architectural forms, including canopies, roofs, domes, and facades. Their flexible nature allows for creative designs and unique shapes that may not be achievable with traditional building materials.
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Architectural Lighweight Structure
Lightweight Structure enable dramatic architectural elements by offering variety in form with translucency, clear span and softness to match to any new and old architectural building.
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Tensile Membrane Structure
Category 8 SHORTLISTED Sports & Recreation

About our organization

We provide our clients, allied companies, distributors and agents with the confidence that comes from local associate over fifteen years of experience, and high profile successes, in design, engineering, fabrication & construction, with a specialization in tensile membrane structures. In the recognized tensile fabric structure leader in this highly specialized field.

We have secured leading experts the fields tension membrane structures. These experts combine their various disciplines to provide you with cutting edge specialized industry knowledge and expertise which leads rather than follows trends in tensile fabric structure.

Our specialization in our niche market of tensile membrane structures has enabled us to provide you with a versatility of membrane types unrivaled by our competitors.

Commitment to quality

As a company we have developed a quality culture which permeates every aspect of our business from design, manufacture, through to service and installation. We have implemented continuous improvement processes which ensure we keep up to date with best practice in both local and internationally.

Architectural membrane manufacturers

Modern technology and advance innovation has brought about sweeping transformations in development of architectural fabric materials with immensely strong, durable, technically advanced and economical in membrane manufacturing.

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